Healthcare Services

Primary Segments Served:

Dental Practices and Dental Service Organizations, Medical Provider practices, Behavioral Health, Physical Therapy, Veterinary Services, Medical IT, Medical Devices, Revenue Cycle Management, Assisted Living.

Select Industry Engagements

  • For the owner of a multi-location orthodontic and pediatric dentistry DSO, advised on partnership with private equity firm to provide capital for liquidity for owners and to fund future growth through acquisitions

  • For a major public healthcare service provider, sold a subsidiary to a private equity firm

  • Advised private equity firm on its acquisition of multi-location regional physical therapy practice. Managed transaction diligence process from letter of intent to closing
  • Advised on sale of behavioral health company providing full continuum of evidence based substance abuse treatment services to a strategic buyer
  • Advised an independent sponsor and raised capital from a private equity firm to complete the acquisition of a regional dental practice management organization”
  • For the owner of a chain of high-quality senior living facilities, advised the company throughout negotiations, actively participated in assisting in buyer due diligence, and worked closely with seller’s counsel to help drive the transaction to a successful close
  • Engaged by founders of a third party administrator (TPA) of custom healthcare and benefit plans to sell their company to a strategic buyer owned by a private equity firm resulting in an outcome that exceeded the owner’s expectations

For Healthcare Services, contact:

Tom Denison

O: 312.283.0819

C: 312.369.9181